Lagu Kerispatih Lengkap Offline adalah aplikasi pemutar musik yang berisi berbagai lagu kerispatih, dimana setiap lagunya bisa diputar secara offline.sehingga buat kalian semua penggemar kerispatih bisa memutar lagu kerispatih sepuasnya tanpa takut kehabisa kuota.lagu kerispatih ini juga bisa dijadikan nada dering dan juga lagu kerispatih ini bisa diputar bersamaan memutar aplikasi lain.
berikut fitur terbaik yang ada pada aplikasi Lagu Kerispatih Lengkap Offline ini
+ Aplikasi Terdapat Lagu Kerispatih Terlengkap Baru Mp3
+ Aplikasi Terdapat Puluhan Lagu Kerispatih Mp3
+ Aplikasi Terdapat Repeat,shuffel & Stop
+ Suara Kerispatih di Aplikasi Dapat Dijadikan Nada Pesan Masuk
+ Suara Kerispatih di Aplikasi Dapat Dijadikan Nada Alarm
+ Suara Kerispatih di Aplikasi Dapat Dijadikan Nada Panggilan Masuk
Kerispatih terbentuk pada tanggal 21 April 2003 atas prakarsa 4 orang mahasiswa Institut Musisi Indonesia, Arief, Badai, Andika, dan Anton. Awalnya mereka membentuk band bertemakan instrumental etnik, yang mereka gubah dalam aransemen baru. Kemunculan pertama mereka adalah di acara Farabi Sunday tanggal 22 April 2003. Merekapun merekrut Sammy, rekan mereka di kampus, yang merupakan salah satu finalis 30 besar Indonesian Idol I/2004, sebagai vokalis.
Sebelum Kerispatih terbentuk, Badai juga pernah membuat album C4U dan juga bersama-sama melayani di band rohani Joyfull Ministry bersama: Robert Ludji (Keyboard synthesizer & Electric Guitar) Yohanes Setiabudi (Bass), Ongen Ririhena (Drum) & Eric Bastian (Keyboard)Badai (Lead Keyboard). Band joyfull sendiri sering melakukan mission trip ke beberapa kota di Indonesia pada era akhir 99 hingga 2001
Complete Kerispatih Songs Offline is a music player application that contains various kerispatih songs, where each song can be played offline. So that for all of you kerispatih fans can play as many fun songs as you like without fear of losing quota. This song can also be used as ringtones and music songs this can be played simultaneously playing another application.
The following are the best features available in this Full Offline Kerispatih Song application
+ Applications There are Complete New Kerispatih Songs Mp3
+ Applications There are dozens of Mp3 songs
+ Applications have Repeat, Shuffel & Stop
+ Creative voice in the application can be made an incoming message tone
+ Creative voice in the application can be made an alarm tone
+ Creative voice in the application can be made an incoming call tone
Kerispatih was formed on April 21, 2003 on the initiative of four Indonesian Music Institute students, Arief, Badai, Andika, and Anton. Initially they formed a band with ethnic instrumental themes, which they composed in a new arrangement. Their first appearance was at Farabi Sunday on April 22, 2003. They recruited Sammy, their colleague on campus, who was one of the top 30 finalists of Indonesian Idol I / 2004, as a vocalist.
Before Kerispatih was formed, Hurricane had also made a C4U album and also worked together in the spiritual band Joyfull Ministry together: Robert Ludji (Synthesizer Keyboard & Electric Guitar) Yohanes Setiabudi (Bass), Ongen Ririhena (Drum) & Eric Bastian (Keyboard) Storm (Lead Keyboard). Joyful bands themselves often carry out mission trips to several cities in Indonesia in the late 99 to 2001 era